Why basic auto insurance may not be the right choice

Basic auto insurance is the required amount of insurance the state says you need to have. This is usually liability coverage to protect other people from you and an accident you are responsible for. Which is all well and good but what about your vehicle?  If you live in Friendswood, TX, you can count on the Roberts Family Insurance to provide the auto insurance coverage you need. 

If you have an auto loan, you will need more than just basic auto insurance. You will need to carry collision coverage and comprehensive coverage. The same is true if you have an auto lease. But beyond that, what if you like most people count on your car every day to go about your normal activities, –  what would you do? 

Auto Insurance: Beyond The Basic

Collision coverage

If you have an accident where you are the responsible party, you need to get your vehicle repaired. If you can afford to do that on your own, all is well and good, but most people can’t. If you have collision coverage, it will pay for the repair or replacement of your vehicle minus the deductible. It will also cover you if you are a victim of hit-and-run. 

Comprehensive coverage

Comprehensive insurance covers a variety of different things that can damage your vehicle. If you run into a large animal like a deer, comprehensive coverage is what is needed. If your vehicle is stolen or vandalized, this is what will cover it.  Comprehensive will also cover hail damage, a branch falling on your vehicle, or anything else falling on it, and it also includes glass coverage after a deductible is met. 

If you need your vehicle, you need more than basic auto coverage. 

Contact our team at Roberts Family Insurance in Friendswood, TX when you are ready to discuss your auto coverage. 

Making sure your home is ready for an emergency

Emergencies happen no matter where you live, but Texas is the most disaster-prone state in the country. Being prepared is a necessity for most people. In Friendswood, TX, our team at Roberts Family Insurance helps by providing home insurance that can offer a level of protection that is necessary. For floods, flood insurance is an additional insurance necessity. 

It is hard to prepare for tornados and flooding which are common in Texas every year. But there are things you can do to prepare for these and any other emergencies that may come up. 

Preparation For Home Emergencies


Place all of your important documents, including your home insurance, in one place. Place them in a fireproof and water-resistant container. Know where it is and be able to grab it if you have to evacuate. This will save a lot of headaches later on if you do it before it happens. 

Floodproof your home

Boilers, utilities, and HVAC equipment are often located at the lowest level of a home. If possible move them off that level or place them on a raised platform to keep them out of the danger of water. 

Create a fire zone around your home

Wildfires are a potential emergency and making sure there is a fire-resistant barrier around your home is important and also having an outdoor water source. 

Find a safe place

If there is a tornado warning get to a safe place. A storm shelter or an interior without windows is best. 

Have supplies

Having a generator can provide the electricity that you need to keep your refrigerator or HVAC system operating. Keep an ample supply of bottled water and food for you and any pets you may have. 

Reach Out To Us

Contact our experienced team at Roberts Family Insurance in Friendswood, TX with all your home insurance needs. 

Safe driving tips for new drivers

Driving is a great way to get around the Friendswood, TX area but it’s important to stay safe on the roads. New drivers often find themselves overwhelmed with all the rules and regulations, so here are some tips from us at Roberts Family Insurance for staying safe as a new driver. 

Safe driving tips for new drivers

First and foremost, always obey the speed limit. It can be tempting to go faster than what’s posted, but that’s a sure way to get into trouble with the law. Stick to the speed limit and avoid risky driving behaviors like tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic. 

Second, make sure you are alert at all times when driving. Avoid distractions like eating or drinking while behind the wheel and never use your phone while driving. Put away any items that could distract you so you can stay focused on the road ahead of you. 

Third, wear your seatbelt at all times. It may seem obvious but wearing your seat belt is one of the most important ways to ensure you’re safe while driving. No matter how short a trip may be, make sure you always buckle up before starting the engine. 

Finally, follow traffic laws and signs at all times. Many new drivers forget laws like stopping completely at stop signs or yield signs, and this can increase your chances of getting into an accident or being ticketed by law enforcement if they witness it happen. Always be mindful of other cars on the road too – try not to cut people off or drive in an unsafe manner that could put yourself or others in danger on the roads. 

Schedule A Consultation Today!

For more tips on safe driving, give us at Roberts Family Insurance a call today. We proudly serve the Friendswood, TX area.

Tips to make your house more energy efficient

Making your Pasadena, TX area home energy efficient not only helps the environment, it also helps you save money on your energy bills.

Here are some tips from us at Roberts Family Insurance on how to make your house more energy efficient:

1. Install energy-efficient light bulbs

Switching to LED or CFL lightbulbs can reduce your electricity bill and help you save money over time.

2. Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use

Even when turned off, these devices still draw power from their outlets. Unplugging them when not in use can prevent unnecessary electricity use.

3. Seal air leaks in your home

Home air leaks can increase your energy bills significantly, so it’s important to properly seal any holes or cracks around windows and doors with caulking or weather stripping.

4. Replace old appliances with Energy Star-rated models

Energy Star-rated appliances are much more efficient than older models, so you can save money and help protect the environment at the same time. 

5. Invest in renewable energy sources

Solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable sources of energy are now becoming more accessible than ever before and offer a great way to reduce your environmental footprint while also saving money on utility costs down the road. 

Keep Your Home Insurance Updated

With a few simple steps, you too can make your house more energy efficient while protecting the environment and saving money in the long run! For more tips on how to make your house more energy efficient, give us a call at Roberts Family Insurance today. We proudly serve the Pasadena, TX area and would be happy to help you. We are also great if you’re looking for a new home insurance policy.